You have 0 Carbon.

Percent to next goal


You are gaining: 0 Carbon per second

Carbon: 0

Hold M to max all

Carbon Generators: 0

Current Production Speed: 0


Boost: 0

Boost gain is based on the amount of carbon you have produced (soft cap at 1e2000 gained)

Boost provides a multiplier to Carbon Generation. Currently x0

Reach 1e5 boost to unlock Autobuyers

Increase the strength of Carbon generator bonding (Increased Carbon generation based on Carbon Generators).
x0 stronger


Protons: 0

You can crush your Carbon into protons, but this will divide your production by a massive amount for a certain amount of time.

You can hover over Upgrades to see Specific Effects

Your proton cap is 0

You have 0 Nano Bots
Which are providing a x0 multiplier to carbon Generation


Quarks can be disabled and enabled, Quarks give a random buff. You can only have 4 Quarks enabled at once.

You can only disable Quarks if you Quark reset, and you can only delete Quarks that are disabled.

Quark levels are based on Boost, and Protons.

Exotic Matter (EM) is based on Carbon.

Reseting now would give you a level 0 quark, and 0 Exotic Matter

You have: 0 Exotic Matter

Carbon Game

The game automatically saves every 10 seconds.

Information on the game

Has Spoilers!!!
